
Alkaline Trio

Past Live (8 LP Set)

8 LP
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Please note: this is NOT the boxset edition, but instead if you're planning on getting the entire collection from us then you can get them here for a reduced price.

The LPs are also available separately, find them here.

A must-have set from the legendary and influential punk-rock legends Alkaline Trio, featuring live versions of all of 8 of their albums.

Recorded over four nights in the band’s hometown of Chicago at their favorite venue, Metro, Past Live was an undertaking like no other. The band performed all eight studio albums, professionally captured in multi-track recording. The result is an exciting performance complete with crowd cheering and sing-alongs. These albums are a collector’s piece every ALKALINE TRIO fan will want to own. 

the live Alkaline Trio LPs are with us now

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Alkaline Trio Past Live (8 LP Set)
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Item code: alktriopastlive
Label: PHD
Info correct on: 28/7/2021