Banquet favourite Frank Turner has an excellent video for 'Little Changes' from his latest album. He's put out a call for fans to film themselves doing the dance routine so they can make a full fan-video for the song, we've decided to try and get as many people involved in a Kingston version so we'll take to The Hippodrome (home of New Slang where Frank has played a dozen times) this Saturday evening, please join us!
Colleen is directing, Justin is filming.
we're all dancing.
Accessible tickets? Info here.
Think you can do the ‘Little Changes’ dance routine better than me? Learn the routine: and submit your video to: along with your name and social handle so we can tag you. Deadline is June 11th, have fun dancing!
— Frank Turner (@frankturner) May 25, 2018
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Item code: LittleChangers
Info correct on: 7/6/2018