
Kojey Radical

Saturday 5th March at Pryzm, 7:00pm (14+)

CD + Ticket
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LP + Ticket
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Item: this is limited to 4 per customer
Ticket: these are limited to 1 per customer

Admission will be via e-ticket. Your e-ticket will be delivered to your email address in time for the show.

To celebrate the release of his new album titled 'Reason To Smile'Kojey Radical visits Kingston to play at Pryzm.


Times TBC but we expect doors at 7:00pm with Kojey Radical on stage at 8:00pm

Pryzm is all ages for this show - under 14s must be accompanied by a ticket-holding adult (18+). Over 18s should bring PHOTO ID (driving license / passport).

Pryzm, 154 Clarence Street, Kingston Upon Thames (KT1 1QP)


Entry conditions will include whichever Covid-19 safety measures are advised by government at the time.

PLEASE NOTE: date is subject to change pending government / NIHP guidance around the coronavirus outbreak.

If this event is postponed, we will let you know - please do not contact us until a rescheduled date is announced. Once announced, if you cannot make the rescheduled date refunds will be available.

Accessible tickets? Info here.

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Kojey Radical Saturday 5th March at Pryzm, 7:00pm (14+)
KR050322.png Past Event

Item code: KR050322
Info correct on: 14/3/2022